Fundación Terra launches the SMART SEED initiative to accelerate reforestation in Honduras

Fundación Terra, in partnership with CO2 Revolution and through its EcoTerra environmental program, launches Smart Seed, an innovative initiative aimed at reinventing the reforestation process in Honduras. Leveraging cutting-edge biotechnology and drone technology, Smart Seed proposes a unique reforestation model that provides large-scale solutions to address environmental challenges.

Honduras has been losing between 60,000 and 80,000 hectares of forest each year due to wildfires, according to the Forest Conservation Institute (ICF). In the first four months of 2023 alone, over 1,424 forest fires were recorded, affecting approximately 62,000 hectares of forest. Smart Seed is a direct response to counteract the effects of climate change.

The Smart Seed initiative begins with the development of intelligent seeds in the laboratory, using innovative biotechnological techniques and additives to enhance germination. This process is carried out in collaboration with CO2 Revolution. Drones will be used to plant these seeds in hard-to-reach areas, forests affected by deforestation, wildfires, and soil degradation, making reforestation more efficient and cost-effective. Once planted, the seeds will be monitored to verify the germination and growth of the new forest.

This initial project will focus on reforesting 60 hectares in the central-southern region of Honduras, using intelligent seeds of Pine, Oak, Liquidambar, and Macuelizo. In total, over one million seeds will be launched in five key areas: Leonesa, El Hatillo, Carpinteros, and Comayagua in the central part of the country, and in the southern zone of San José de la Landa in Choluteca.

"With Smart Seed, we are reinventing reforestation in Honduras," said Arq. Fredy Nasser, CEO of Fundación Terra. "This initiative combines the best of biotechnology and geolocation of land, launching intelligent seeds via drones to accelerate our reforestation efforts, providing effective and precise solutions to the challenges we face."


Smart Seed is a testament to Fundación Terra's commitment to the restoration and conservation of our forests, contributing to the country's goal of reaching 1.3 million hectares of forest by 2030, as established in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). It is also a significant step in the fight against climate change in the Central American region.